Garrett College officially opens STEM Building
Garrett College officially opened its $8.5.26亿美元的STEM大楼在周六早上挤满了人的房子前. Don Morin, Chair of the Garrett College Board of Trustees, performs the ribbon-cutting surrounded by federal, 州政府和地方官员以及加勒特学院的管理人员.
Garrett College officially opened its $8.526 million STEM Building –which drew rave reviews from federal, 周六早上,州政府和地方官员在挤满了人的房子前发表讲话.
"Today is an exciting moment for Garrett College. 该设施不仅对马里兰州来说是一笔不可思议的财富, but the entire region as well," said U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-Md.) of the new facility. “马里兰州理解STEM的重要性,加勒特学院的设施在帮助学生为STEM相关领域的职业和工作做好准备方面发挥着关键作用."
两位参议员都赞扬了该项目的性质以及联邦政府之间的合作, state and local government leadership.
U.S. Senator Ben Cardin
U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen
“为加勒特学院的学生和加勒特县社区提供追求抱负和梦想的工具和资源是重中之重," stated U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.). “加勒特学院一直保持着作为‘全州先驱’的良好声誉。, 这个配备了现代技术的最先进的设施也不例外."
The project, which featured equal state and county funding, is a renovation and expansion project that includes classrooms, student spaces, faculty offices and laboratories for physics, biology, chemistry, engineering, and robotics. 第一堂课于上周三新学年开始时开始.
正式的盛大开幕式在该校的一间主教室开始. 拥挤的人群还可以通过其他STEM教室的流媒体视频观看仪式, and the ceremony was streamed over the internet.
Garrett College's STEM building was officially opened, surrounded by donors and members of Garrett College administration, representing the 'Campaign for Garrett: Realizing our Dream'. U.S. Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen are also pictured.
“为加勒特竞选:实现我们的梦想”已经筹集了500美元的一半以上,000 goal prior to Saturday’s official grand opening.
这些捐赠者是STEM筹款活动启动前阶段的一部分,目标是筹集500美元,000 for STEM scholarships and a STEM equipment fund. 该活动上个月底才正式启动,目前已经筹集了近30万美元.
Chairman Paul Edwards, speaking on behalf of the Garrett County Board of Commissioners, emphasized the need for focusing and investing in a STEM education, not only at the college level, but the pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade as well.
爱德华兹说:“没有团队的共同努力,就不会有今天这样的日子。. "It's amazing that this facility at Garrett College, the smallest college in the state, can provide incredible opportunities for our students, community, and our state to receive a top-notch STEM education."
“这是各级政府共同努力使这个项目取得成果的一个很好的例子," said Senator Edwards. “这对加勒特学院来说是伟大的一天,我们有优秀的教职员工来完成这项工作."
Dr. 加勒特学院院长理查德·米德卡普(Richard Midcap)强调了该项目的合作性质.
“由于州和县对STEM教育的坚定承诺,这个设施成为可能," said Midcap. "Meanwhile, 捐助者的慷慨帮助我们通过奖学金获得STEM教育,同时保持尖端技术.
“拥有这种类型的设施将对马里兰州西部的STEM教育产生变革," added Midcap.
Secretary Kelly Schulz
Kelly Schulz, Maryland secretary of Labor, Licensing and Regulation, 强调了新设施使经济发展潜力成为可能.
舒尔茨说:“STEM是我们的头号主导产业. "There is nothing greater than our human resources, 哪些是未来职业发展的重要组成部分. 农村地区必须致力于满足这些需求,才能向前迈进."
After the official ceremonies, 在场的学生可以自助游览,并参加STEM教师的演讲. 其中的亮点是解剖三维虚拟解剖台的演示, 其中加勒特学院是马里兰州的唯一所有者, 部分是由于阿巴拉契亚地区委员会的配套赠款. 火箭发射和机器人活动也是人们的最爱.
The college also hosted a free showing of Apollo 13, 它的特点是与stem相关的聪明才智,让宇航员在飞船爆炸后安全返回家园.
U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (left) and U.S. 参议员克里斯·范·霍伦观看机器人演示并向贾勒特·米勒(中)学习。, a member of the G-FORCE 2818 FTC Robotics team. After the grand opening ceremony, STEM大楼主办了2019年第一科技挑战赛(FTC)全球机器人游戏发布的本地机器人团队. 加勒特学院将于2019年1月举办州联邦贸易委员会资格赛.
Grand Opening - Live Stream
Time Lapse Compilation
Press Releases
STEM Grand Opening is September 8thThe STEM facility has been designed as a U.S. 绿色建筑和将达到银牌的能源领导资格 & Environmental Design (LEED). 这个州和地方资助的项目包括对麦克亨利校区现有的澳门足球博彩官方网址大楼(200号楼)进行翻新和扩建.
这个新的STEM设施将吸引学生和教师到加勒特学院,并帮助提高科学水平, technology, engineering and math skills of our region’s future workforce. The building will become the center for Biology, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Electrical Engineering, Engineering, Math, Physics, 机器人课程和实验室,以及STEM教师办公室和学生空间. 该中心将促进加勒特学院已经很高的GC学生进入四年制数学和科学领域的成功率.
Progress Timelapse